
Providing the care during your pregnancy is a matter of the heart to us. Based on our special qualifications in ultrasound technique and the care provided by midwives with own office hours in our practice, the provision of care during pregnancy is our main focus.

The following MOVIE shows our opportunities to provide pictures of unborn children.
>>  Movie of ultrasound precision diagnostics

Prenatal care

During the first examination of a pregnancy, we determine the gestational age by means of a vaginal ultrasound examination. This examination can also detect multiple pregnancies. If needed, we take a smear from the cervical os for cancer screening. Then, we take some blood, determine your weight and height, check your urine in the lab, and ask about possible medical conditions.

This information is then entered into your maternal health passport. This document accompanies you through the entire pregnancy.

You will get comprehensive counseling in topics such as nutrition, traveling, physical exercise, and general behavior during pregnancy.

The examinations during the later phases of prenatal care will initially be scheduled at four-weekly intervals. In the final two months, examinations will be scheduled every two weeks. During each examination, your blood pressure, body weight, and urine status will be checked. The growth of the child will be followed by ultrasound and the uterine cervix will be assessed either by palpation or ultrasound.

The additional CTG examination of heartbeat/labor will be initiated in week 30. These examinations will be done alternating with the mid-wives.

If your child is not born by the calculated date, CTGs will be recorded every other day. The volume of amniotic fluid will be checked by ultrasound. Good placental function can be confirmed by a specialized measurement of the blood flow.

All examinations are done in compliance with
German maternity guidelines